Starting the day with a stomach tight and full like that of a six-month pregnant woman can affect your day negatively; it’s worse when you repeatedly wake up feeling this way.
Bloating is the buildup of gas in the small intestine, which can visibly make the abdomen look swollen. It is usually accompanied by symptoms such as belching, pain, diarrhoea and uneasiness.
Bloating can be caused by the following.
Constipation: Constipation is when someone has fewer bowel movements than you usually do or when a person strains to start or finish a bowel movement.
Low stomach acid: Low stomach acid prevents a proper breakdown of foods and becomes more common as we age. Without adequate stomach acid, we can’t absorb and utilise the nutrients from the food we eat. Food does not get broken down and remains in the stomach, leading to bloating and inflammation. Low stomach acid should be addressed immediately by a medical practitioner.
Stress: Stress puts pressure on your abdomen, which invariably upsets the hormones and neurotransmitter balance that should create an environment where foods can be hardly digestible. When foods are poorly digested, it creates gas and bloating.
Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism slows the movement of food through your stomach and intestines. Slowed digestion can lead to symptoms like heartburn, constipation, and bloating.
Dehydration: Although drinking water sounds very easy, it is often overlooked by many of us, leading to dehydration. We underestimate the importance of water to the body. Dehydration can lead to a lot of health issues.
Allergies: Food intolerance is another major cause of bloating. Many people aren’t aware that their body reacts adversely to certain types of food. Being lactose intolerant can cause bloating. This also applies to people that are gluten intolerant.
Hormonal changes: Many ladies experience bloating before and during their menstrual periods because of hormonal changes and water retention.
What you consume is very important when you want to stop bloating, especially if you have food sensitivities—avoiding unhealthy foods or foods that your body is intolerant to should be the first line of action. Here are some simple tips to beat bloating with foods (which all stem from inadequate digestion). You can focus on the foods below to find relief.
Foods Rich in Fiber
When your stomach is congested, bloating is bound to happen, and too little fiber in your diet may be the issue. Decongest your stomach by eating foods high in fiber, like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
Some of our favourite anti-bloat, high-fiber foods are:
- Pineapple: They are high in fiber and are hydrating; they reduce stomach bloat and inflammation.
- Cucumber is a very hydrating fruit that can help with gut issues and inflammation.
- Apples: Apple helps to cleanse the system, and it has anti-inflammatory properties that help with the guts.
- Oats: a great probiotic effect that aids your gut health to fight bloating and water that has been kept in the body.
Foods Rich In Potassium:
High potassium-containing foods help rid the body of sodium and can prevent water retention.
- Bananas: Bananas are loaded with potassium, giving them a mild diuretic effect to help clean out your system
- Watermelon: Watermelon helps to flush out excess water from your system, and because it’s loaded with potassium, it acts as a natural electrolyte
Anti-Inflammatory Foods
- Ginger: Ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory that helps to reduce gas and fights an upset stomach
- Tumeric: Tumeric is a major anti-inflammatory that can help calm IBS and related symptoms.
Diuretic Foods
Diuretics help relieve bloating by increasing the body’s water and salt loss.
- Lemon: a very good diuretic; it reduces inflammation and gives you a little antioxidant boost
- Green Tea is proven to aid digestion and eliminate the symptoms of gas and stomach congestion.
- Parsley: excellent for helping to prevent and overcome gas and bloating.
Water is one of the best ways to relieve bloating. The amount of water you consume daily is critical to your overall health..
Dehydration contributes to the buildup of gas in your stomach.
Water helps to flush out toxins and waste from your body through urination, so drinking more fluids will help with digestion. It helps to nix the effects of those salty foods, too.
Consuming a lot of water makes you feel full because there is less room for food in your stomach, which can decrease bloating.
The recommended water consumption is at least eight glasses of water a day.
With these foods listed above, bloating wouldn’t be an issue for you.